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Present simple/ past simple tense in English grammar/use of do/does /did in English grammar

  What is Present indefinite tense in English grammar?  Past indefinite/simple tense in English grammar.  Present indefinite tense क्या हैं? और इसका यूज़ कहाँ किया जाता हैं?  Present indefinite tense वो टेंस जो हमारे प्रजेंट में हो रही रेग्युलर वर्क को डिस्क्राईब करता हैं। जो नियमित रूप से करते उसे बताता है।  उदाहरण :-                  मैं काम करता हूँ।                                   वह यहाँ नहीं रहता हैं।                                         यहाँ आओ।                                                    Present indefinite tense   in English grammar :-   # used to de...

Tense in English grammar

How can i use tense in my spoken English?  How do learn tense with myself at home?     Tense in grammar:- Tense, to listen this everyone start to flee away. Why are everyone afraid of Tenses?  It's not rocket science. Tense in English grammar very easy . Its just tell a time of verb/action which is completed or not in particular time.    Tense is the most important aspect of the  grammar of any language. Its refers to the form and  time of the verb. In a simple language tense in English grammar just tells a time of verb.  काल (टेंस) कार्य का समय बताता हैं और उसके होने या ना होने का बोध होता है। वही सेंटेंस टेंस में शामिल किया जाता हैं जिसमें किसी कार्य के होने का बोध होता हैं।  उदाहरण:- मैं खाना बना रहा हूँ। ( इस सेंटेेंस मेें कार्य के होने का बोध  हो रहा हैं।)      मैं डाॅक्टर हूँ। (इस सेंंटेंस में किसी कार्य के होने का बोध  नहीं हो रहा हैैं।)  अब वाकई आप ये जान गए होंगे कि टेंस के वाक्यों की पहचान कार...

Sentence and it's part and types/ sentence in spoken English

 a In this article I'm gonna to share sentence in grammar which is basic concept of our grammar. Now we will know about sentence and  not only it's part but also type of sentences.  Sentence:- Sentence is a meaningful group of words which has senseful meaning.  Collection of words that communicate a complete message is known as a sentence.  Ex.  Ram is a good boy         Siya is eatting food.           I am giving you tips.           I am writting.           Part of sentences Sentence has a main two parts. Which is given below in the image....    Example:-    Raj is dancing on the stage.  Subject-  Ram Predicate - dancing on the                           stage.  Predicate:-  Predicate is part if sentence which gives an information about sub...

How to learn language at home?

Everyone want to learn a language but they couldn't it owing to they have environment also haven't any way whreas they could learn a language.  If you really wanna any language then I give you most interesting and 100% Effective tips which can be helpul in your language learning. What sorta of language do you wanna it  will be effective.  Let's look at have the tips Listening Speaking Idioms/phrases Synonym Reading Writting       Listening It's is the most important skill which helpul in learn any language. If you can listen any anything you can learn any language. It's said that even though anybody don't know how to read and write the also they can learn any language in case they have listening skill.  If you want to learn any language you must listen language what you want to learn. Many people suggest you listening and also they recommend web series, movies etc but they suggest in which there intereste. If you want to really learn any...